Whereas there is scientific consensus regarding the impacts of climate change both locally and globally, and

Whereas these climate change impacts, if not controlled, are projected to undermine the quality of life, economy, and unique cultures of our city, and

Whereas the City of Austin has adopted strategies, plans, and processes to help ensure the city achieves net-zero community-wide greenhouse gases, and

Whereas greater cooperation, including environmental leadership by the State of Texas, is necessary to achieve effective climate-management goals,

Be it resolved by the North Loop Neighborhood Association (NLNA) that:

The NLNA is committed, as part of its core mission, to supporting efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions and to mitigate the effects of climate change.

NLNA endorses the City of Austin’s strategic goals, programs, and monitoring processes aimed at helping our city reduce the effects of climate change and develop resilience in the face of climate-change threats. Such efforts include actions in strategic areas such as:

To address climate change on the state level, the NLNA urges the Texas Legislature to pass legislation providing for:

In order to proactively address climate change and promote a spirit of environmental responsibility within our community, the NLNA commits to additional necessary actions including, but not limited to: